ActionWalls Engine ("AWE") Overview
Multiplatform live wallpaper/media engine
- Supports Web (demo) and Android
- Fast 2D image rendering engine
- Full support for 2D effects including parallax, rotation, pinch to zoom, pan, etc.
- Video playback
- Image modifier effects such as blur
- Gesture recognition
- Dynamically update current wallpaper from endpoint
Media display app
- Feed/preview/shop/settings UI
- Patent-pending Feature Meter monetization system
- Dynamically fetches data from API endpoint.
- Full disc & memory data/image caching for offline support
- Audio playback
- Billing/in-app purchase/subscription support
- Open Sea API data fetching
- Social account sign in
- Favorites (including cloud syncing)
- Built with modern Android development paradigms
- High unit test coverage
Backend server
- NoSQL database that houses all entity data
- Export entity data to API endpoint (example)
- Manages all media storage requirements
- Automates tasks such as generating different resolution and preview images, generating optimized (WebP) images, etc.
- Supports bulk importing/updating assets
- High unit test coverage
“Mosaic” wallpaper editor
- Web app for asset management
- Tweak wallpaper layers attributes, adjust item appearance order, etc.
Feature Meter
Our innovative monetization system that reduces user churn and maximizes revenue. * Increase meter by taking an action (view reward ad, complete survey, etc.) * Meter depletes over time, at which point certain features/content lock * Users can unlock all app content without paying money, or opt to buy an upgrade/subscription to permanently unlock content
See here for further company and founder details.